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Day in the Life of...

For the first project, I created I took my Canon T6 camera using EFS 18-55mm and EFS 25mm lenses to get the shots. I shot Project One Autobiography by myself on October 1, 2017 I call it Cat eyes. For the autobiography film my concept was “a day in the life of Izzy” but, through the eyes of my cat. How she sees me do things. I love my cat and I spend most of my time with her and it got me thinking about how she may see me and how I do my daily tasks. I also wanted to add the comedic value of a cat’s point of view because cats are stereotyped as standoffish and mean and thought it would be funny.

I wanted the audience to feel lazy and cat like. I want a since of curiosity and a blasé attitude toward what I do. I wanted them to feel tiny yet impowered. The camera angel makes them small but this little cat calling all the shots by waking me up, making me answer the door for her, and trying to lover on her but she doesn’t want it. In the opening my cat wakes up and wants to get up so she meows, rubs, and walks on me to let her out and feed her. She decides that she does not want to eat but just wanted to get in her box and go to sleep there. Waking up she runs up the stair cries to be let in and when I let her in she brushes against my hand causing me to mess up my makeup and get mad at her. She does not care and goes back to sleep. When she opens her eyes again she sees me getting my back pack and leaving to school then goes back to sleep. When he opens her eyes again I walk in the door looking beat from a day of school, she closes her eyes again, opening she sees me frustrated over doing homework, and I try and procrastinate by trying to love on her. She closes her eyes and when she opens them I am gone. She jumps from the bed and runs to the sound of running water. She sits outside a closed bathroom door and tries to be let in but I yell at her I’m almost done. She leaves and sits under a chair waiting for me. When I walk by she follows where I close the door in her face. She cries and I open the door and invite her in but she turns away and I pursue her only to have her run away downstairs and she jumps in her box and goes to sleep. Opening her eyes, it is dark she jumps out of her box runs upstairs meows to be let in. I let her in and we both go to sleep in the bed.

The strength of my film was the idea to have the day in the life of video to be about me but through someone else’s eyes. Also having my brother do the camera work as the cat. By the end of the video he got really into the pat and was making the camera work reflect what he was doing. Also, the idea to do transitions. Because I wanted it to be a linear film when I had to make a cut I used a blink of the eyes to cover the transition shot and to represent time has passed. Problems where lighting, trying to shoot in the darkness and different lighting. It looked to dark and grainy in a lot of shots. Another issue was because my brother was the camera man and has never shot before he did not know how to use the camera and learning it did not come easy to him so he shot in whatever he thought looked good and not what I said to shoot in. another problem was rendering out the video because I used a lot of after effects and it made the rendering process take hours so I could have the eye blinks in there. I did not like my finished product because the editing and audio is off but I look forward to working on it and fixing it up.

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